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Alameda County Board of Supervisors


Alameda County is governed by a five-member Board of Supervisors (BOS). The BOS exercises both the legislative and the executive functions of county government and is responsive to of the needs of the community.  The Collaborative informs the BOS of community needs, educates them on policy, and advocates for services and funding through committees, task forces, and regular public meetings.

Community Partners and Resources

The Collaborative is part of a community of local, regional, and state providers, advocates, associations, and other behavioral health champions.  We mutually support the goals of the agencies on this page.

Community Partners and Resources

The Collaborative is part of a community of local, regional, and state providers, advocates, associations, and other behavioral health champions.  We mutually support the goals of the agencies on this page.

Alameda County Behavioral Health

Mental Health and Substance Use Services


Alameda County Behavioral Health Services (ACBH) is the government agency responsible for the provision and oversight of publicly funded behavioral health services.  They contract with community-based organizations to provide over 85% of the services and they are primary funder for the majority of Collaborative agencies.  ACBH are also thought leaders, advocates, and partners with the Collaborative.

Alameda County Social Services Agency


The County of Alameda Social Services Agency (SSA) provides essential safety net services to at risk children, families, and adults. Collaborative agencies regularly partner with SSA departments including Adult and Aging Services, Children and Family Services, and Workforce and Benefits Administration.  Collaborative agencies and SSA often share clients and support each others' missions.

Alameda County Probation Department


The Alameda County Probation Department (ACPD) provides monitoring and support for both juveniles and adults involved in the justice system.  They seek to divert people from incarceration through proactive, progressive programs and resources.  They partner closely with Collaborative agencies to help people secure housing, employment, and substance use and mental health treatment.

Alameda County Office of Education

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The Alameda County Office of Education (ACOE) has oversight responsibilities for school district budgets and educational plans.  ACOE also operates juvenile court schools, community schools, alternative education programs, and instruction and support services to the county’s most vulnerable students including justice-involved youth, pregnant and parenting minors, foster youth, homeless youth, and infants with special needs. ACOE also provides training and support to Collaborative agencies.

Alameda Health Consortium

Community Health Center Network


The Alameda Health Consortium is the regional association of community health centers that advance the access to comprehensive, quality health care and improved outcomes for everyone in Alameda County. 

Their member health centers - many of whom are also Collaborative members - formed the Community Health Center Network, a non-profit Medi-Cal managed care organization, to provides business administrative support for community health centers.

California Alliance

of Child and Family Services


The California Alliance of Child and Family Services (the California Alliance) is a statewide association of over child and family serving non-profit organizations.  Their members provide services in the areas of child welfare, juvenile justice, special education or children’s mental health. The Alliance is the leading advocacy voice with California government agencies and other critical stakeholders and they have had extraordinary legislative and funding successes.  Many Collaborative members are also Alliance members.

California Council of

Community Behavioral Health Agencies


The California Council of Community Behavioral Health Agencies (CBHA) is a statewide association of providers of mental health and substance use services. They are a leading voice of our behavioral health agencies with legislators, state agencies, and the federal government.  They advocate on a wide range of behavioral health-related issues, including physical health, mental health, housing, social services, education, substance abuse services, and vocational rehabilitation.  They were a primary reason for the passage of the Mental Health Services Act.  Many Collaborative members are also CBHA members.

 California Primary Care Association

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In 1994, the California Primary Care Association (CPCA) was formed and has become the statewide leader and recognized voice representing the interests of California community health centers and their patients. CPCA represents more than 1,360 not-for-profit Community Health Centers (CHCs) and Regional Clinic Associations who provide comprehensive, quality healthcare services, particularly for low-income, uninsured and underserved Californians, who might otherwise not have access to health care.  A number of Collaborative member agencies are health centers and members of CPCA.

California Children's Trust


The California Children’s Trust (CCT) is a statewide initiative that seeks to improve child well-being through policy, systems reform, demonstration projects, and technical assistance.  CCT seeks to transform services across systems,  leveraging the wisdom of low income communities to meet the needs of all children.  They provide advocacy, organize systems and agencies, and disseminate policy and practice briefs that educate and advocate for change. CCT's framework for system transformation focuses on three core areas 1)maximizing funding; 2) expanding access and participation; and 3) reinventing systems. Their work advances the quality and impact of Collaborative agency's services.

FACES for the Future Coalition

FACES programs serve youth who come from diverse backgrounds and work to improve their academic and health outcomes through their interventions.  Their programs support young people who are interested in pursuing a career in health care or public health.  FACES identifies a youth each year to receive the Collaborative's honorary Julie Preston Memorial Scholarship.

The Behavioral Health Collaborative of Alameda County

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