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Justice, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Commitment to JEDI

Diversity, equity and inclusion, commonly referred to as DEI, has become a major focus in behavioral health services and in the workplace of Collaborative member agencies.  The Collaborative adds Justice to these critical values and actions, with the goal of expanding our focus beyond the workplace to the community, beyond individual and group needs to systemic issues.  We seek to create meaningful change to overcome the pronounced history of injustice that has marginalized many of the people that we serve, as well as those that work in our agencies.  We recognize that our society and our service industry have not effectively engaged and respected people of color, women, the LGBTQ community, people living in poverty, the previously incarcerated, those with disabilities, and many other groups.  ​

The Collaborative and its members are steadfast in a commitment to advancing justice, diversity, equity, and inclusive practices with clients, staff members, and the public. 

  1.  We strive to be the change we seek in the world.  We focus on our elevating own behaviors and beliefs before asking or expecting others to change.

  2.  We engage in dialogue and self-reflection to increase our awareness of internalized biases.

  3.  We actively seek feedback from staff, consumers, and community members to improve our practices and culture.  We then act on this feedback and hold ourselves accountable to our commitments.

  4.  We seek to be “anti-racist” and actively confront oppression, hate, and ignorance, lifting up the voices and concerns of those who are marginalized.

  5.  We review and improve our hiring, supervision, policies, culture, compensation, and systems, constantly pursuing a workforce that reflects and understands the community we serve.

  6.  We partner with our government partners and the community to advocate for changes and advance JEDI values and impact.  We recognize the benefits of positive incremental change while remaining steadfast on a vision of full justice, equitable treatment, and inclusion of all diverse perspectives.

  7. We evaluate service access and outcomes through a JEDI lens.


JEDI Forum

The Justice, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Forum provides Collaborative agency staff with an opportunity to share information, learn about JEDI practices and resources, and elevate their impact on social justice and equity issues at their agency, in their programs and services, in the behavioral health industry, and in the community. 


The Behavioral Health Collaborative of Alameda County

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