The collective voice and champion
for behavioral health organizations in Alameda County
The Behavioral Health Collaborative of Alameda County (the Collaborative) is an association of California nonprofit providers of mental health and substance use treatment services, supporting the needs of the county's most vulnerable children, youth, adults, and seniors. The purpose of the association is to provide leadership that ensures a comprehensive behavioral health system, which maximizes the well-being and life satisfaction of all Alameda County residents.
The Collaborative was founded in 1975 under the name Alameda Council of Community Mental Health Agencies or ACCMHA, to advocate on behalf of its member agencies with Alameda County and state governmental agencies. Since then, we have promoted the availability of quality behavioral health services that can meet the needs of Alameda County residents. We provide leadership to transform the mental health system to a person-centered, family and community-driven, culturally responsive system.
We collaborate with numerous stakeholders and county partners to secure funding and improve services and outcomes for those in distress or at risk. Over 80% of all behavioral health services delivered to Alameda County residents are provided by private providers, most of them are the Collaborative member agencies. As a team of Alameda County thought leaders, the Collaborative members share solutions, provide consultation and resources through partnerships and work groups, and proactively support our government leaders in strengthening the system of care.
The Behavioral Health Collaborative is a fiscally sponsored project of Community Initiatives